英語圏のユーザーへ向け、新たにボンボンアカデミーの翻訳チャンネル「Japanese Song Academy」をスタート!
ボンボンアカデミーで人気の動画や英語圏の方たちにもなじみ深いTraditional Songやマザーグースの歌、手あそび歌を英語に翻訳した字幕をつけて紹介。
Announcement: We are happy to announce that Bonbon Academy has launched a new YouTube Channel "Japanese Song Academy".
Now you can enjoy popular videos from Bom-Bom Academy with English subtitles!
The new channel introduces popular videos from Bom-Bon Academy, as well as traditional songs that are familiar to English-speaking audiences with English subtitles. This content would also be perfect for viewers who want to know the meaning of Japanese songs in English.
In addition, for the viewers that wants to learn Japanese pronunciation, some videos include Japanese subtitles written in Romaji format.
We plan to gradually expand the number of videos.
Please subscribe and enjoy!